Sim Hoffman – A CT or MRI can be Valuable after Specific Concussions

As an expert radiologist, Sim Hoffman follows the standard protocols. When it comes to concussions, the guidelines usually don’t require CT or MRI imaging, but in certain cases, they are in fact the recommended procedure.

Sim Hoffman

Not all Concussions Were Created Equal

Certain concussions are more problematic than others, in some cases not even producing major symptoms despite their serious nature. Regardless, their identification is only possible through a careful medical evaluation of the case, along with its unique circumstances. Taking a CT or MRI is recommended when some or a combination of the following symptoms occurs:

There are signs that could make the presence of a possible intracranial injury likely

  • Symptoms suddenly worsen
  • Lingering impairment, especially if the symptoms gradually worsen
  • Having difficulties while trying to speak or not remembering one’s language
  • Vision problems
  • Worsening coordination or lacking fine motor skills (the patient is not capable of touching their nose for example)
  • One of the eyelids start to close
  • The patient is having difficulties swallowing
  • The patient is having trouble staying awake or feels drowsy
  • The patient has seizures
  • Persistent symptoms (they should usually go away in a week, or maximum 10 days)

When there is a chance for an intracranial hemorrhage, CT is the way to go, whereas MRI’s are the better choice when the patient needs imaging one or two days after the incident. An experienced radiologist like Sim Hoffman will identify the warning signs early on.

Also can read: Sim Hoffman on Obstetric Ultrasound Scans

Sim Hoffman on Obstetric Ultrasound Scans

As a top radiologist, Sim Hoffman possesses valuable knowledge on ultrasound imaging devices, including Obstetric scanners that were introduced to the medical field in the late 1950’s. The scanners used in today’s medical science are obviously more advanced, offering real-time images. The method takes advantage of sound, more precisely sounds between specific frequencies, usually 3.5 to 7.0 megahertz, to generate accurate scans.

Sim Hoffman

The System Puts the Puzzle Pieces Together

The system gets valuable information from every reflection and, after mapping them in real time, puts together the picture on the monitor (which is not really a monitor but rather a sonogram). The system is even capable of detecting the fetus’ heartbeat, along with other valuable information, including its size and age. When the examination involves the scanning of the stomach area, it usually requires the patient to arrive with a full bladder.

The Reason for the Full Bladder

When the bladder is full it will show up on the screen black, providing a better contrast and making the fetus and the uterus lighter. Not all OB doctors will ask their patients to arrive with a full bladder, but even those who generally don’t do that will probably appreciate the better picture quality. If it’s the first ultra sound, this fact becomes even more important because of the uterus’ position (still under the pelvis). As a renowned radiologist who frequently attends conferences involving ultrasound technology, Sim Hoffman knows the importance of looking at a high quality picture.

Also can read: Sim Hoffman on the Importance of Functional MRI

Sim Hoffman on the Importance of Functional MRI

Sim Hoffman knows that as new medical imaging technologies develop, our understanding of the human brain will considerably improve. Magnetic Resonance Imaging was invented by Paul C. Lauterbur in September, 1971, but the factors that led to the invention of the device have been described much earlier than that, in the 50’s by a scientist named Erik Odeblad.

Sim Hoffman

As far as the functional use of the technology goes, fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) has only been around in the last 25 years, since the very beginning of the 1990’s. It has become the dominating brain-mapping solution, mainly because it does not require the patients to be drugged during the procedure, or to be exposed to radiation which can prove harmful later on. Once the technology got approved, what was used for research purposes initially turned into a useful clinical tool for the field of neurosurgery.

The Technology’s Role in Medical Decision Making

MRI’s biggest benefit lies in its capability to assist the medical decision making process, with special emphasis on surgical solutions. The image results of an MRI examination can help determine the best course of action, often saving lives in the process. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging can also be repeated on certain patients with non-aggressive tumors, allowing their doctors to reevaluate the benefits of some, often extremely risky, surgical procedures. As a leading expert in the field of radiology, Sim Hoffman hopes that the future of medical imaging solutions will be bright, and that new innovations will emerge that will potentially help the whole field of medicine.

Know more About – Sim Hoffman